Web Walking Student Platform

“How to be a better student?’, ‘Should you continue your education beyond BSc?’, and ‘What options are available?’. Digit-BioTech Web Walking Student Platform tries to answer these questions presenting set of guiding materials designed for BSc /MSc students and describing how to study effectively. It also emphasizes on the advantages of HE and how to benefit from the Digit-BioTech blended learning platform. Here it can be found:

  1. Video Tutorial presenting all opportunities of the training platform and explaining how students can take advantage of it for both upgrading their knowledge and gain qualification.
  2. ‘Students Smart Kit’ describing how to study effectively and advantages of higher education for future successful career development. 
  3. Digit-BioTech Learning Area & Reference Model presenting the e-learning curriculum structuring based on Learning Outcomes and providing set of specific knowledge and skills.