“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn …and change.”

Carl Rogers

Digit-BioTech is the key for:

  • Introducing innovative knowledge and skills acquired within the educational system.
  • Achieving progress in the human resources development.
  • Boosting the chances for employability and economic improvement in all partner countries some of which struggle with high youth unemployment.

Digit-BioTech provides:

  • Training content in the form of units of learning outcomes, each with specific descriptors: knowledge – skills – responsibility – autonomy, and structured in personalized blended learning pathways designed for tangible Digit-BioTech target groups.
  • Application of requirements of the European and National Qualification Frameworks and the principles of the higher educational systems for broader and smoother recognition of the acquired competencies.
  • Grading of the learning outcomes with ECTS points and complying with the standards of the European Framework for Quality Assurance (EQAR) established by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
  • Focus on ICT, new technologies, and digital competencies.
  • New innovative curricula, educational methods, and training courses.

The Digit-BioTech training programme is:    

  • Personalized and learner-centered.
  • Providing transparent and broadly recognized knowledge, skills and qualifications.
  • Oriented towards intracountry and transborder mobility.

The DigitBio-Tech learners:

  • Are independent planners and problem solvers.
  • Prefer self-paced and self-learning environments.
  • Can take the initiative.
  • May be motivated to take the step to collaborative work.
  • Are interested in experimental and practical training.
  • Prefer to have a choice of learning styles, modes and flexibility.
  • Strive to acquire transferable skills.