Web Walking Teacher Platform
‘What is quality education and training?’, ‘How can education and training meet the needs of learners and the world of work?’, ‘What strategies can be implemented to improve the quality of education and training?’. Digit-BioTech Web Walking Teacher Platform tries to answer these questions through providing and access to a set of specific user guides designed for academic / research professionals for better comprehension and acquisition of the training content. They include:
- Video Tutorial describing all the opportunities of the Digit-BioTech training platform and explaining how HE specialists can take advantage of it.
- Guide “Teaching and learning in HE” describing the best practices in teaching, introducing the notion of discipline-specific pedagogical knowledge (DPK), and representing a competence framework designed for HE professionals working in the field of Green Biotechnologies.
- Digit-BioTech Competence Profiles identifying the key “green abilities”, essential for the professional areas Biology, Chemistry, Agriculture and Food Supply, Medicine, and ICT.