National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. NCBI serves as an international resource for the scientific research community – providing access to public databases and software tools for analyzing biological data, as well as performing research in computational biology. Major databases produced and maintained by NCBI include: GenBank DNA sequence database, Gene, Protein, the Molecular Modeling Database (3D protein structures), OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man), dB SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism), Epigenomics, the Reference Sequence Collection, a map of the Human genome, Taxonomy browser, PubChem, PubMed |
DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) DDBJ is a biological database that contain DNA sequences. The DDBJ collaborates and exchanges biological information with EMBL and GenBank |
European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) ENA is free, unrestricted biolological database of nucleotide sequences, functional annotations, sequencing reads and sequencer information sample details etc. The ENA and other INSDC member databases (GenBank and DDBJ) containes complete genomes of 5,682 organisms and sequence data for almost 700,000. |
UniProtKB UniProt database provides a comprehensive, high-quality and freely accessible resource of protein sequence and functional information. It is created by combining created by combining the Swiss-Prot, TrEMBL and PIR-PSD databases. The biological information is structured as follows: UniRef database (The UniProt Reference Clusters) which provides clustered sets of sequences from the UniProt Knowledgebase (including isoforms) and selected UniParc records; UniParc database that contains most of the publicly available protein sequences in the world; and Proteome – database providing proteomes for species with completely sequenced genomes. |
Prosite PROSITE consists of documentation entries describing protein domains, families and functional sites as well as associated patterns and profiles to identify them. |
InterPro InterPro is a database of protein families, domains and functional sites in which identifiable features found in known proteins can be applied to new protein sequences in order to functionally characterize them. |
Protein Data Bank (PDB) PDB is a freely accessible database providing information for the three-dimensional structural data of large biological molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. The data are typically obtained by X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and cryo-electron microscopy. |
RCSB Protein Data Bank RCSB PDB is a member of wwPDB. It archives and provide biological information about 3D protein structure, nucleic acids and complex assemblies for research and education in molecular, structural and computational biology. |
KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) The KEGG is a reference knowledge database for understanding high-level functions and utilities of the biological system, such as the cell, the organism and the ecosystem, from genomic and molecular-level information. |
Biotech gate Biotech gate is a worldwide business development database that gives access to information about Biotech, Pharma, Medtech, HeathTech and other life science related sectors. It contains over 600,000 clinical trials, including regular updated trials for COVID-19; 56,000 company database; detailed search functions with Excel download options; Dedicated investor database. |
OECD BioTrack Product Database OECD database provide access to information about products derived from the use of modern biotechnology , as well as some products with novel traits acquired by the use of conventional breeding or mutagenesis that have been approved for commercial application in at least one country, in terms of food, feed or environmental safety. |